Giving and Receiving

In the midst of the hustle and hassle of these last few days before Christmas, it’s hard for me not to get at least a little bit cynical about our consumer culture. The advertising campaigns are in full swing, and everyone seems to be competing for my last dollar. I...

From Poverty Thinking to Abundance

I was having a conversation with a friend about love, and was reminded of how I used to get stuck in thinking there was never enough to go around. I felt that I had a finite amount of resources, and if I gave some away, I’d have to get something back in order to feel...

Kind Gestures Go a Long Way

I have noticed that kind gestures are very helpful for our world. When I notice a person reaching out to another person in kindness, it ends up making most everyone feel good. It feels nice for the person giving, it feels nice for the person receiving and it feels...