Get Off of the Shelf and Get to Dating!

Dating can be hard.  I have been going out of dates for over 20 years. There are times that I put myself on a shelf and take a break from dating.  There are other times where I am going out on many dates.  I am back in the dating world and for those of you thinking...

Why Would I Hire a Coach?

When I introduce myself as a coach, I get a few different responses, but mostly people want to know what a coach does and why they might want to hire one. Different coaches work in different ways, so it’s best to ask a few follow-up questions to determine if the coach...

Patience to Prosperity

When I asked my good friend and now business partner to start a business with me, I was feeling so excited about being my own boss and being paid in a way in which my services are worth.  I also loved the idea of picking the clients I really fit well with versus you...